AI based Accident Detection Using Raspberry PI

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Niveditha M, Samya Sharma, Sakshi Sharma, A Raghu Prasath B, Manjunath G Asuti


 During road accidents which are one of the major reasons of fatality, the time interval between the accident               and the emergency medical facility provided at the accident location is critical in analysis of  survival rates after the accident. We can eliminate that delay by  using the system which helps in giving alert if there is any accidents and notify immediately to the emergency responders. This main application is to recognize the accidents using Vibration Sensor which alerts the respective authorities during emergency. Alert message includes location of the accident, alcohol percentage, disposal of seat belt, number of members in the vehicle. In this system, GPS will initially and continuously buy input from the satellite and will store will the latitude and longitude values for tracking the vehicle. Mail will be sent through WIFI device  when accident gets detected by the vibration sensor connected to Raspberry Pi. Wifi gets activated when it receives the last latitude and longitude position values and sends the message to the emergency server. It also sends the picture of the location which is predefined in the program.

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