Automatic Nuchal Translucency Detection Using CAD-LNet

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Kalyani Chaudhari, Shruti Oza


Ongoing research shows that fetal development from the norm may be recognized by evaluating nuchal translucency (NT) in ultrasound images. The width of the nuchal translucency (NT) in ultrasound scans of the infant at 11–14 weeks' gestation is used as a predictor of the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities. The drawbacks of the existing NT estimating approach is that it is restricted by intra and interpersonal and inter variation, as well as unpredictability of findings. Existing solutions, on the other hand, have a high processing overhead and are hence unsuitable for rapid NT limiting and localisation, which is critical for reliable identification schemes. Deeply learned convolutional networks have recently enabled considerable improvements in performance of NT Region identification. An innovative strategy for learning a state-of-the-art NT Region detection system is discussed in this study. Context Aware Deep Learning Network (CAD-LNet) was used to handle the challenge of boosting the accuracy of NT identification under diverse lighting and posture situations. Proposed method minimizes error to 0.42 whereas other methods error varies between 0.8 to 1.1

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