AI Powered YOLO based traffic management system through application advancement

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Shreya Basavaraj Channi, Shreya S Reddy, Shriya A S, Poornima A Totad, Abdul Haq N


This paper presents, “AI Powered YOLO based traffic management system through application advancement”, that with the expansion in Urbanization of areas around the globe are witnessing a surge of increase in the number of vehicles which has led to genuine gridlock issues. One major drawback that influences the traffic flow is the administration of the traffic at street convergences or at road intersections. Subsequently, a good traffic management framework is expected to expand the proficiency of the traffic stream. It is more noteworthy of interest to work on effective traffic frameworks which help in intelligent and efficient traffic management.In this work, an integrated prototype framework is designed to address the difficulties in vehicle traffic systems. A deep learning-based image processing technique is used for the detection of vehicle images and process other details towards its establishment at the intersection. The data available in the cloud is fetched and processed through the controller “ESP8266” and employed on a deep learning-enabled YOLO (You Only Look Once) algorithm for further analysis in the monitoring hub. The valuable data produced by the monitoring hub is accumulated in the server and further interfaced to the information system which conveys the necessary traffic information to the end-user through a mobile application.

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